April 2024

How Vastu works

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”  - Nikola Tesla

Vastu Shastra is all about energy, creating a space in a built area that is full of positive energy. The source of this energy is from the cosmic space or Brahmam or Universal Consciousness., which is the source of all the material world. It is the unmanifest pure energy. When this energy is bought into the built space using the Vastu principles, the house or built area, we stay in becomes in tune with the universal energy, giving us positivity, peace, and prosperity – which means good health, positive and creative thinking for all residents, and good relationships.

Thus we can see, the Science of Vastu Shastra is connected to Quantum physics, the theory of Unified field (a field is an area under the influence of some force) and to string theory (the universe is made up of tiny vibrating strings, smaller than the smallest subatomic particles and they are interconnected.)

When a Building is made, its space is filled with energy. If the Energy flow is as per the Universal energies, the inside space of the building is filled with cosmic positivity. If the building space is filled with conflicting energies, negative energies are felt. As we all know, Energies affect the people who are in that space.

All Living beings, including humans, are influenced by the energies around us. We have our own energy field, which is referred to as ‘Aura.’ Our Aura is influenced by the energy around us, our emotions, our thoughts, and our feelings. If the Aura is strong and good, we feel positive, healthy, creative and have the ability to overcome any issues and face challenges. If our Aura is weak, we start feeling mentally, physically, and energetically down, disturbed, uncomfortable, tired, and weak initially, which can lead to diseases, downfall, and death.

Therefore, the positive energy created in the environment by Vastu create positive thoughts, feelings and creative ideas within you.This in turn creates positive environment where ever you are.

Contact Dr. Jaya Harikumar for more detailed information and consultation



April 2024

Feng Shui Fundamentals: Creating Balance and Harmony at Home

Feng shui is the study of the environment. It is an ancient Chinese practice that teaches how to create balance and harmony at home using natural environmental principles.

Dr. Jaya Harikumar


April 2024

How Vastu works

Vastu Shastra is all about energy, creating a space in a built area that is full of positive energy. The source of this energy is from the cosmic space or Brahmam or Universal Consciousness., which is the source of all the material world. It is the unmanifest pure energy. When this energy is bought into the built space using the Vastu principles, the house or built area we stay in becomes in tune with the universal energy, giving us positivity, peace, and prosperity – means good health, positive and creative thinking for all residents, good relationships.

Dr. Jaya Harikumar


December 2023

Know What is Vastu Shastra

Vastu shastra deals with the directions, Five great elements (Maha Panch-bhutas), earth energies and cosmic energies and how they interact with the energy inside a built area and your very own personal energies. Ensuring vastu of the build space is as per the universal energies leads us to live our life with peace, harmony and empowers us to deal with any situation or events that come in our life with equanimity.

Dr. Jaya Harikumar