Vastu Consultation

What is Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra is the science which balances and aligns energies in a built home as per the universal energies. This leads to betterment in all aspects of our life. This is applicable for living and working spaces.

Do you Experience any of these:

  • Constant or recurring health problems for yourself and your family members
  • Relationship issues at home or office
  • Money or financial drains
  • Debts and disputes
  • Stagnant growth
  • Lack of opportunities
  • Lack of social connections and friends
  • Lack of energy and / or motivation
  • Fear and anxiety
  • Addictions for anything for yourself or other family members
  • A general apathy towards life

If yes for any of the above questions, maybe it is to do with the energy of your house or office. Have a free consultation with me for either fixing these issues with Home and office energy analysis using Vastu, Feng Shui and dowsing techniques as per the requirement. These will be discussed during the consultation. Consultaion can be through a meeting or on phone.

Home / Office Energy Consultation

If you feel your life is not going as you want, you have financial issues, relationship issues, health issues or you feel stuck – at home or in career, feel discontented and unhappy or are depressed and feel exhausted or tired most of the time, it could be related to the energy of your home or office. These can be corrected in many ways – through Vastu shastra (the India method of correcting build space energy), Feng Shui (Chinese art of placement), Astrovastu (combination of astrology & Vastu to correct energy of the place), dowsing, Yantra, Mantra & Tantra etc.

A home is a place where you should feel happy and comfortable so you get what you want to get from this life.

Vastu Consultation

Vastu Shastra is the science which balances and aligns energies in a built home as per the universal energies. This leads to betterment in all aspects of our life. This is applicable for living and working spaces. We can help you with Vastu consultation for you in 3 ways

1. Vastu Audit

If you feel your house requires a Vastu Audit (how compatible your house is to Vastu), please contact us here. Vastu audit requires a phone consultation with us, a floor plan of your place and sometime may require a site visit too. Vastu Audit will let you know how good or bad your home is based on Vastu tennets. You can decide to do full Vastu Consultancy after the Audit .

2. Preliminary vastu analysis of the house you want to buy or rent

Are you moving to a new house – either your own or rented. It is good to check overall vastu compatibility for the new place. This preliminary Vastu analysis will give you what is good or bad as per vastu for the home/office and based on the point system, where the place stands on vastu compatibility and if you are moving in what major vastu fixes will be required.

3. Full Vastu consultancy

Full Vastu consultancy, gives a complete report on your home / office and gives remedies that needs to be done for the home for your and families health, happiness and prosperity while living there. A vastu complaint home or office will make our lives contented and give us progress on all aspects of our life.

What is Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra is the science which balances and aligns energies in a built home as per the universal energies. This leads to betterment in all aspects of our life. This is applicable for living and working spaces.

Contact us

Would you like to have a vastu analysis done for your home / office or any build space?

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